Mag. Michael Estermann
Unterlaimbach 28
4190 Bad Leonfelden
Married, 2 children
- Veterinary Medicine in Vienna until 2000
- Homeopathy at the European Academy for Veterinary Homeopathy
- Osteopathy and physiotherapy (nach Welter Böller) for horses and dogs
- Traditional Chinese Medicine, basic education, based on the five elements
My Philosophy:
To carry weight on the back is a very difficult and sportive action. Therefore we have to treat horses like sportsmen.
A basic part of the training should be stretching the muscles in order to avoid a loss in movement and to keep the horse physically and mentally healthy.
My treatment is not only osteopathic.
I have combined and modified several stretching exercises into a basic program.
My osteopathic treatment works in combination with this basic stretching program, myofascial release therapy, massage and physiotherapy. I teach this treatment to my clients so they can do it by themselves.
For me it is important that the horses get stretched 3-4 times a week to stabilize the symmetry and freedom of movement I achieve in my treatment.
Only a body, which is able to move freely and as symmetric as possible, is able peovide physical and mental health.